There are many words that I simply do not know how to spell. I mean, I know how to spell them, in theory, but when it comes time to actually spell them, I consistently spell them incorrectly. Here is a list of those words.

Rigorious. I know it's spelled rigorous, but I always add the extra i. 

Metabolism. OK. I can spell it, but I pronounce it met-UH-ball-ism, as opposed to the more standard met-AH-ba-lism. My friends won't let me hear the end of that one.

Physisist. Can't spell it. Also have a hard time saying it.

Corrollary. Never sure if there's only one "r" or one "l", so I err on the side of excess. (OK, I know there is only one R, but this knowledge has been gained through sheer memorization and NOT through anything resembling a functioning linguist intuition.)

Beautiful. Formerly unable to spell it, but through random trial and error paired with the reward of "not getting red squiggly lines under the word", my natural artificial intelligence has been trained to produce the correct order of the sequence (a, e, u) such that there is no more red line under the word.

Travelling. Too many l's. Again erring on the side of excess. 

Acquiantnce. Ac-quan-tance. Hm. Not too familiar with the spelling of this word.

Conesseur. This is supposed to be connoisseur, but to even spell that right now, I needed to spell the word incorrectly in multiple different ways before the autocorrect even suggested to the correct spelling. This one will forever be a word I know how to say but not how to spell.